7 Favorite Football Appetizers – Smoked and Delicious
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Football, friends, family, good time.. there's nothing better! I would like to take a little time to show you 7 fan favorite appetizers that you can make in your smoker or grill that will take your football party or get together to the next level.
The subtle flavor of smoked shrimp combined with the rich flavor of the smoked sausage comes together with a huge flavor burst in your mouth with this wonderful duet of an appetizer […]
Meatballs and super bowl parties go hand in hand and when they are smoked meatballs full of cheesy goodness, it’s a no brainer! Get ready to cheer on your team with some of the best smoked appetizers and party snacks around […]
I have written on several occasions about these glorious smoked, bacon wrapped, cream cheese stuffed jalapeños (known in the smoking community as Atomic Buffalo Turds or ABT’s for short). Well.. this week I have taken that same concept and added a jumbo shrimp into the jalapeño pepper just before stuffing it with cheese and they […]
Smoked bacon candy doesn’t need a lot of introduction and there’s not a better marriage of foods than what happens when you combine sweet syrup and bacon. Add the smoke factor and this might just knock you off your feet. […]
I have had these honey barbecue smoked wings on my brain for several weeks and decided to not only make a big batch but, to also share them with you. They are brined in buttermilk to make them amazingly tender, marinated in my rub for amazing flavor and then finished with my very own sweet […]
There’s not too many foods that I like as well as smoked chicken wings and this week, I just couldn’t help showing off my pecan smoked chicken wings with honey and beer barbecue sauce! The picture looks good enough to eat in my opinion and you can only imagine how good these babies are in real life. […]
I’ve written about smoked shrimp and it was really good but it has so much more potential as I have shown in this newsletter. I have taken extra large shrimp and butterflied them, stuffed them with a cream cheese mixture, wrapped them in a half-slice of bacon and then smoked them to perfection. […]