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Canadian Thanksgiving is on the 2nd Monday of October and is a time of giving thanks and getting together with family and friends with food, fun and togetherness.
Here's a few thanksgiving recipes that I think might be a great option for this annual holiday especially if you love to cook on the smoker or grill. Enjoy!
Smoked Turkey and Cranberry Stuffed ABT's
You may know what ABT's are.. jalapeños stuffed with cream cheese, wrapped in bacon and smoked for about 3 hours. They are so amazingly delicious and one of my favorite…
Smoked Jalapeno Cheddar Turkey Bombs
These smoked jalapeño cheddar turkey bombs are made from turkey cutlets and they are such a great way to use turkey in a fun way during the Thanksgiving holiday season. Thanks to…
Buttery Maple Glazed Smoked Turkey Legs
Every time I go to a fair or big event where they are selling turkey legs, I usually get one to gnaw on while I'm walking around but it's never…
Favorite Turkey Brines
If you're not on the turkey brining train then you need to be.. it is the single best way to ensure that your turkey ends up juicy, and full of…
Smoked Turkey Roast Basted with Bacon
In this recipe, I will show you how to smoke this turkey roast using a little bacon inside the cooking net so that it comes out extremely tender and delicious…
Smoked Turkey in the Pit Barrel Cooker
Thanksgiving is upon us and as tradition would have it, smoked turkey is the standard fare. In this recipe/instructional I not only want to show you a better way to…
Smoked Turkey with Bacon Butter
Today, I am going to show you how to stuff bacon butter under the skin of the turkey before smoking it to moisturize that breast meat while it cooks in…
Rum Injected Double Smoked Ham
This double smoked ham injected and basted with rum sauce or maple sauce will probably be one of the best thing you'll taste for a long time to come and…
Double Smoked Holiday Ham Glazed with Maple Syrup
There's a very good chance that this double smoked ham will be the best holiday ham you've ever tasted. How do I know this? I've been making this ham for…
Seared and Smoked Top Sirloin Steaks
I cooked these smoked top sirloin steak a while back– dry brined and seasoned with my Texas style rub and they were, without a doubt, hands down, the best steak I've had…
Family Favorite Thanksgiving Side Dishes
I wanted to share some of our family's favorite Thanksgiving side dishes and these will work great for other holidays as well such as Christmas. These have been used over…
Dump Cake in the Pellet Smoker
Wade Smith, a newsletter subscriber, sent me his dump cake recipe and I (of course)cooked it in the pellet smoker. It could easily be cooked in the oven as well…
This is the 3 rd time I am asking if you are going to sell the recipe for the new sauce.
Chuck, I have received hundreds of questions about this very subject and I apologize for not getting an answer to you sooner. At this time, we are not planning to release the recipe for the golden driller sauce.